
About Kate Ziegler

Učím ženy stylově se oblékat i nakupovat podle typu postavy. Brno & JM kraj. (po domluvě Praha)

Posts by Kate Ziegler:

La Roche Posay

Apart from my experience from testing new products, I would like to share some of those that have worked for my skin for some time already and so gained the status of the verified essentials in my beauty arsenal – my ‘soul mates’ that both like each other and save me when some experiments turn […]

Add a Color!

I bet some of you liked the rather warm winter this year and were already expecting the spring. Unfortunately, February came with the real winter at last! How about brightening your winter outfits with a bit color? Involve colors and lighten your mood in the winter sun! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Kdopak z vás se radoval z teplé […]

Vyhrajte styling!!!

Heslo “Najděte svůj styl.” nás v dnešní době oslovuje velmi často. A možná se již o tento cíl snažíte. Rádi byste se ve svém šatníku cítili jako vy a zároveň odpovídal vaší osobnosti i požadavkům vašeho denního režimu a v neposlední řadě byste jistě rádi podtrhli vaše přednosti a vypadali skvěle? Třeba jste již na dobré cestě a […]

Farewell to 2014! 2015… welcome!

While others are just enjoying their coffee, a blogger manages to type a review post on the coffeeshop and takes photos of the coffeeshop, the coffee, today´s outfit… We are the obsessed visualists who cannot waste a second without sharing all beauty around them with you! In this end-of-the-year post I would like to sum […]

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