
Fashion editorial

A new kind of posts is coming to you on Chic Cocktail soon where you will have chance to see the professional work of a team of photographers, make up and hair artists and me as a stylist in fashion editorials on diverse trendy topics. The very first fashion editorial will appear on blog in […]

Pearls… every woman´s MUST

What more to add… You might prefer a strand of classical or more eccentric trendy ones… either way, pearls are an essential part of a woman´s jewelry collection regardless her age. Pearls are incredibly versatile and they add a bit of sophistication to any type of outfit. Down here you can see how I styled […]

Business Casual

Yesterday I showed you here how a closet cleanout might look like. I am convinced you must be curious about the results. Right now I will show you how we managed to combine a couple of, in my opinion, pretty clothes into outfits for different occassions. Eva might go for a meeting in this business casual […]

Třídění šatníku

Ráda bych se s vámi podělila o úžasnou zkušenost, a tou je třídění šatníku, kterou jsem jako stylistka poskytla své klientce a kamarádce Evě během Velikonočních prázdnin. A že nešlo o běžný, ale mega šatník, jehož čístku jsme začali v pátek a v celodenních maratonech pokračovali až do neděle, neboť nás na Velikonoční pondělí čekalo profesionální […]


Chic Cocktail has updated and you can enjoy many new topics and styling tips at a new domain chic-cocktail.com!!!  Chic Cocktail vám nyní nabízí své tipy a mnoho nových témat z oblasti stylingu  na nové doméně chic-cocktail.com!!!

Tulle dress and boots

  I got a beautiful H&M cream tulle dress from my friend Eva yesterday. No, I am not going to start attending dancing classes or so. I am going to toughen the dress up wearing it with a leather jacket and combat boots. Včera jsem dostala od mé drahé Evičky krásné tylové H&M šaty. Ne, nebudu […]

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